Sunday, September 9, 2007

My Canada's Friend !

He is my Canada friend ! everyone you have see the big bear at 墙壁吗?那是他用枪打的..He say he very like animals .. he like bear .. 但他会杀那只熊,是因他要救一个被这只大熊攻击的小男生! 他很勇敢! 我欣赏他的勇敢..He say l make he feel happy and smile .. He say l am a very nice girl ...he say .. he so miss his daughter .. his daughter study at universty at Canada there .. he say .. l can call he "father "at anytime ..他是个好丈夫,好爸爸,好朋友..Friend! l very happy because can know you .. thank you ! Father Justin ! thanks you ! ^-^!

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